Monday, February 4, 2013

Beyonce Super Bowl XLVII Half time Show!!!


Many people gathered together last night to watch the SUPER BOWL!!!Many watched there favorite team play... But some (like myself) only wanted to watch the Beautiful Beyonce Perform!!
To be quit honest I only wanted to see if she would sing Live! As many of you know she sang the National Anthem, and apparently she was Lip Singing. Which her explaination made sense, We've seen many celebrities completely Butcher the National Anthem!!!!
So I wanted to see if she would be singing full voice!! 
But what suprized me and excited me the most, Was that the Destiny Childs were together!!!! 
And they Looked amazing !!! I was Astonished by What I saw!!! 
They just came up from the stage like it was there duty!!! But it was amazing!!! I loved her Confidence on stage and how the Gurls did there thing!!! Beyonce Rocked the Super bowl Half time show!!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

How to Get Six Pack Abs!


As this year has begun I have decided  to be SICK IN TIRED OF BEING SICK IN TIRED!!!
I no longer want to go to the beach with a shirt on!! I no longer want to suffer of embarassment! 
For a very long time I was Embarassed of my body! I know some might say, but your thin! I have some fat in my mid section!! But this year I have a goal!!! Its called my shirtless summer!!! Where I will walk with confidence and grace in the beach! Having the Body of my dreams. I've been check out this website and wanted to share it with you... I've already bought the product.. And Hope you like it also.. Theres alot of tips on how to have the abs.. Diet and excersis tips also.
 <a href=" " target="_top">Click Here!</a>
This year I wanna have one of the most amazing years of my Life!!! So My goal is to have a completely shirtless summer! No more eating late! Early bed times and Write eating!!! I want the body I deserve!! Its funny because I already started my new years resolution Before New Years and Im Working on it harder every day!! Well Ill be giving you guys the details on how its going with the workouts and results!!! 
<a href=" " target="_top">Click Here!</a>