Thursday, November 29, 2012


Last year (2011) was a year of extreme deception....
I mean if I made mistakes and was decieve 2011 was the year for that.
Have you ever had a friend pull a chair out for you? And while you go the sit on it they full it out in front of you....Or better yet, have you ever had someone tell you to jump in the deep end of the pool, that they catch you. Only to find out that the life guard had to full you out???
Deception.... wow. We can decieve ourselves to believe things about people that deep down inside we know isn't true. Like when someone says that they Love us, to only find out thats the same messgae they sent to twenty five others. Last year I feel in Love with someone that wasnt real. But you couldn't tell me any different. I was blind and intoxicated with Love for this one person.
Can you believe that I even once walked in the rain, because I didn't want anyone to know that I was crying.
Our hearts decieve us all the time... we are human....
But the question is how do we keep from being decieved? How do we keep people from playing us???
As we learn from life experiences and we see things and open to lifes lessons, We learn all of the signs that deception is close and working.
From life experiences we become more wiser and careful......
We are fools if we allow people and others to decieve us time and time again.
You best believe that Im more careful about who I fall for....
Ive gotten to the point where some people say why do you have soo many walls up?
Walls are built through experience, To protect you from decievers in life....
Who are around to get something from you and want to hurt you.
So as you continue in Life learn from your mistakes and guard your heart from Deception.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Are true Friends suppose to be there for you at all times?

We always say a friend is always there through thick and thin. But honestly sometimes a friend has to leave you to let you heal. The reason I say this is, we are human and as a friend we can only say soo much. We get tired of hearing the same played out song from a person who is hurting. I know at least when Im hurting I repeat the same story, over and over again. And as a human we get tired of hearing the same tune. I have a friend who's hurt right now, I would love to comfort her. But the truth is I can't take the pain away she's feeling. Humanly its not possible.
It's like trying to mend two cinder blocks together with your force. Its impossible, then why do we think that our friend's can mend our broken heart? Why do we think that they can change the situation? In all honesty Sometimes we have too big expectations for a person who's like us. We want everyone to be for us, what we physically can't be for them! We expect  the when we write at 2am about how they are going through a tough time; that our friends have to write us.
We are asking for something that honestly isn't even good for us. We become co-dependant of one another. What happens if that friend dies? Or maybe becomes sick? Will we not know how to deal with our issue on our own.
Thats why I believe that when a friend is dealing with a past issue. Like a break up, or heart break. I feel that it's best to let them deal with them on there own. Yes you can be there when they need someone to listen to them about how they feel. Or to hangout cause there lonely.
BUT WARNING: IF you have to drop what your doing to attend them, theres a problem. Your friend should also be understanding that you have a life; And resposiblities and you can attend there every issue. Sometimes there gonna have to fight out there battles on there own.... They'll have to face there demonds on there own sooner of later........

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Try Pink

I am a Big P!nk fan! I Love the way she expresses herself in music. She really tells a story through her music and I believe she is an amazing voicalist. Ive looked her Famiy Potrait Song and Morning Pill..... But Her song Try!!! Wow it blew me away!! Although it's a simple song its speaks to soo many people everywhere!!! No matter what situation you find yourself it'll motivate you.
 I love her Chorus:
Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame somebody is bound to get burned,
But just because it burns doesnt mean your gonna die,
You gotta get up and TRY TRY TRY.....

From what Ive heard from people its helped them get through some tough times. It has motivated me to keep going and moving forward!!! To keep on trying in Life!!
The offical music video is about her and a man doing acrobatic tricks. But what gets me is that the dancing is telling a story. A story about her personal struggle!! I know that her song is relevent because we have all seen her struggle with love and relationships. We have seen her get up and TRY TRY TRY!! This so far is my favorite Song on her album...
This is the link to video if you haven't Already seen this video or heard the song!!!

The truth About Guys

I don't consider myself the wisest man alive... Actually I sometimes am a fool when it comes to decisions. But I can say that I know about mistakes, and I learn from them. But this blog posting isn't about my mistake. But mistakes that many females make.
This week  Iv'e heard a few females talk about how dissapointed they were about a guy. Either he wasn't interested in her, or they just wont give them the time of day. Of course as a friend they expect you to take there side..... But not this time.
I blame it on them. Okay....Some might be angry... BUT READ THE WHOLE ARGUMENT FIRST!!!
In todays society everything is so fast pace. Everyone is in a rush. Get married, have kids,'s like no one thinks about the in between.
Females one thing I've noticed is that you's are too desperate!!!
BREATHE for a second! Alot of females get dissapointed because they simply don't know how to wait! Lately it's like women are doing the pursuing, and that's completly out of place!

Now I know society has changed and rolls have been switched on us through out time.
But it's in a mans nature to pursue a woman. Its not the womans job to do so... She's supposed to captivate the man. Catch his eye.... Lure him with her beauty and confidence.
But its the other way around the woman are pursuing the males.
And it can't be like that. Take your time and let the man be captivated by you.
Its okay the world isn't gonna end, everything is gonna be alright.

Now I know this isn't true for everyone. This may not even purtain to you.... But if you walk away remembering anything remember this. The same way a man is known for his physical strenght. Is the same way a man is emtionally. If he likes you, he will let you know. You won't have to pursue him!!
The minute you feel like your going after him...Stop!!! Because he's not doing his part as a man.
You should never be the one doing the work... Your Job is to be beautiful and graceful.... He's has to be the Strong Bold one.  There is someone out there for you... You will meet him... But you gotta give it time... And stop Pursuing Him.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Potiential Fans!!

We all have them Haterz I think most of us would call them. People who just dont like anything we do. Some call them doubters, a person who never believes were gonna make it. I mean the list can go on and on. There the people who look at us and say the task we are takign up is too dificult. That person that never can accept that you might just be right, and they are wrong. Haterz....
But I never call them Haterz. I gave them a new name a year ago. I call them POTIENTIAL FANS!!!! Yeah thats right, there not Haterz there just potiential fans.
Heres why, today they say they dont think you'll make it. Or they say your idea is stupid. They talk about how you'll fail to others(free advertisement)! When you succeed there giving you a standing ovation. Lying through there teeth telling you how they believed all along.
Some may be thinking, but Neight it isn't always that way.
What you say is true. Some never even recognize your success publicly..But inside it eats them up. They check your facebook and twitter to see if your still succeeding becoming fantatics!!!!
I remember when I first started my youtube videos. People started with the comments. Saying how they were corney. How I should stop. But one day I did a video that made them laugh and they became supporters. After that I realize that everyone can be your potiential fan. They have potiential of being one;)
My encouragement to you now is, you may feel down cause everyone seems to be against you. But do know thats only temporary. Today they throw stones, tommorow theyll throw flowers....


As I though to myself what I should blog about; I thought why not blog about a pandemic sweeping across the social media scene. I call this pandemic FACEBOOK PROSTITUTES!!! Now this may cause a few to chuckle as they read this. Some might just be wondering what am I talking about??
Well let me explain the definition of this new word. A FACEBOOK PROSTITUTE can be a male or a female. Just like a regular Prostitute can be a male or female. A Facebook Prostitute is a person that posses half naked (some fully naked) in front of the camera. Now you may wonder why I call them prostitutes. Ill explain: A prostitute sleeps with its "Client" for money. A Facebook prostitute posses half naked for likes and comments.
As you go through your newsfeed you'll realize that there are alot of insecure youth and adults. They take pictures with the hope to be accepted. Some even try to become sex symbols to have attention. But little do they know they are downgrading themselves. Then we wonder why in society there is no self respect. People pose half naked and sometimes we even like and comment the pictures. I have yet seen a man comment of a womans pictures, "Hey Stop posing like that your giving other men the wrong idea!" Or hear women say to the Men," We aren't interested on your half naked body, what we desire is your Love and respect!"Call me old fashion, but I believe if your willing to downgrade yourself then you have no self-respect. If you dont have no self- respect then you lack love for yourself. And you don't have Love for yourself then you can't be in a relationship, Becuz you first learn how to Love; Loving yourself.
My last remark is this. We talk so bad about prostitutes, but there smarter than we are. They get paid at the end for there services at the end of the day. But you just get a eye full of pleasure and a whole lot of likes on Facebook.
If you enjoyed my Facebook Prostitute Blog watch my video!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Whiten your teeth


As I see many people smile I cant help but think, Man whiten your teeth!!! Your smile is important, Some people are attracted to a person through there smile. Thats why its important to whitten your teeth. Wouldnt you want a person to me mezerized by your teeth? Yes I know nobody should be attracted only to the physical. But the way you appear says alot about who you are!! Your unwhitened teeth might cause people to think you dont value yourself. May even make them think your dirty. I got some of these tips from Allure(yeah us men can learn these tips also:)

1. Try at-home whitening strips. They work! Really! (We like Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips. For the best results, dentists recommend using them at least six hours after brushing and drying your teeth with a tissue before applying the strips.
2. Dip a washcloth in hydrogen-peroxide. Then, rub your teeth with it. The peroxide lightens stains; the nubbiness of the cloth further helps scrub them away.
3. Switch to a whitening toothpaste. They're not strong enough to dramatically whiten discolored teeth on their own, but they can help get rid of new stains by scrubbing them away with a mild abrasive called silica.
4. Wear blue-based colors--and gloss. Cherry red, wine, and berry colors make teeth look whiter. (Or choose a product like Clinique For A Brighter Smile--the colors all have blue undertones.) And steer clear of matte lipsticks which can make teeth look dingy.
5. Brush after every meal. Sounds obvious, but don't forget—it makes a big difference. Keep a mini disposable brush, like Colgate Wisps, in your purse for on-the-go cleaning.
For more at-home whitening tips, check

Born to be Somebody

I was Born to be somebody! Its so easy to say, but to truly understand even I have trouble. I have trouble believing that I was born to be somebody because of all the different obsticles. You think you have overcome one giant just to find out another one that is way taller was sitting behind it.
Sometimes I sit in silence wanting life to pass by... But there this flame that burns in my soul... It wont let me sleep...Wont let me think..It echos in my soul.....
I was born to be somebody!!!
I born to be like in darkness..
Hope and Love!
I was born to fierce!!
To cause poverity to tremble!
I was born to be a blessing and not a curse...
I was born to be a joy to Millions..
These words echo through my mind as I continue in this life...
All my failures will never out number my success.
Person who is reading this keep in mind. Times may be hard.... But its only training you for what's to come. You have to sweat and cry before the abundance comes. You have to know hurt, before you learn what healing is...
You have to feel like a nobody... To realize that you were Born to be somebody!!!!


Im struggling to write this entry. Im struggling because I dont know what Im really thinking. I have so many deluted thoughts in my head. It looks like mirky Lake water. I feel like my thoughts are like a bowl of spagetti.. All mixed up and tangled. I feel like I have soo many things to do, But no power or ability to do it. I have soo many visions and dreams, But no way to make them happen....
Im a big thinker... But what good is it if you can't make them a reality???? I dont know what to do!!!
Times like these I hold on to my faith... Because if he brought me this far its because he can.... and will bring me out!! Sometimes we are like the palm tree...We swing and sway.. The storm feels overwhelming and we feel we cant take it anymore. But we stay rooted... Times like these all you can do it PRAY!!!!!!*N8*

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Live Laugh n Love

Tommorow isn't certain for anyone.....But neither were the seconds and minutes that Ive spent to write this article... As I write the Americans are voting... We only get to vote every four years. For some this might just be the last vote they will ever make. The last decision they will determine for there country. Some woke up one last time. Or didnt get to see the light of another day...
Last night I prayed that I want to live! Not live according to societies standards.. But live the way life moves me... Ive been thinking about an Pop album lately.. One that will move the world.. But Fear has creeped in my heart. Sometimes we are scared to live our dream or follow what we dream because we think we arent worthy. We question ourselves, questioning are we good enough. My personal fear is that people might make fun of the album... Ive been criticized all my life that Ive tried to stay on the safe side of things. Ive tried not to be more outrageous than most... Ive tried to have manners. And make sure I follow protocol...
But truth is no one else tries to. Ive tried to be perfect to the world, Tried to be that Perfect male specimen... But truth is no one looking for a perfect person.. There looking for a real person who makes mistakes and isnt afraid to tell the truth. I just wanna be me.. Smile and laugh at life worries.
I wanna be NEIGHT... I keep thinking what if I died today...Would I be statisfied about the way I lived life??? Or would I just have a bunch of mistakes????
Just a quick thought to my blog readers:)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Cancer survivors

My Heroes
Today I got a glimpse in the life of a cancer patient. I wouldn't say I understand what its like to go through Kimo. Or what its like to have the threat of death everyday! But I know what its like to be loooked at and mocked for a shaved head! Although my shaved head was a choice. I got comments and snickers from kids. One kid Imperticularly expressed yelling, "You look like a cancer patient!!!"
I felt like that was very inconsiderate, but what can you expect from a 10 year old??
The reason I wrote this article seperate from the Regret Article was because cancer patients deserve a round of applause..... No they deserve a standing oviation!!! Although I was brave to shave my head to show it in public... Cancer patients have to face even greater ridicule!!!
Im a male and shaving your head for a male is no big deal... But imagine a little Girl...
For many little girls their hair is there pride and joy!!! They Love there hair!! It makes them feel beautiful!! Now imagine starting a treatment and your hair is falling.... Its like a Lion loosing his maine!! He lost his hair!!!
Then on top of that they have to go to school. With all those kids that arent mature enough to keep there comments to themselves. Everyone whispering and stairing at you. With there eyes all wide.
Thats really tough... You seeing all the girls with pretty long hair. The guys with a head full of hair and you lost yours.
In every situation I try to relate to different peoples situation...And I couldnt help but think about what a cancer patient goes through...
But there stronger than me!! Becuz they go to school everyday and try to live there lives to the best of there ability!! Many surivive but some loose there battle. But there buried known as a champion!! Much love and respect goes out to the cancer patients out there. Stay strong!!! You guys are my HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So this morning I woke up with an urge that I quit honestly regret....I SHAVED MY HEAD...
Okay like most people would say What were you thinking?? Let me explain...
I was overwhelmed with the pressures to always look my best. We had a sweet sixteen in my family to come to but I couldnt get my haircutt. I was really frustrated that my hair was cutt. So I woke up and just decided to shave it. Before I did it my mother asked me many times Nathaniel Are you sure?? My father said to me make sure you know what your gonna do!! But in my minds eye it seemed like something that I should do. As I shaved my head there was no going back. I couldnt magically grow it back or glue it back. I felt good about it...Till my father looked at me with a dissaproving look...
As I went to the ceremony for the sweet sixteen... The embarassment started... Family and friends looked in shock. Some were curtious enough to come by and speak to me in private...
Others made a great disturbance in the sanctuary. Someone said that I was stealing the young laddies night. Another person commented that I was the Main event. As the comments continued I just wanted to dissappear... I wanted the earth to swallow me where I stood!!!!! It would of been just perfect!!! My nerves were getting me and as I tried to get out the tears began to welt up.

The feeling settled in.....REGRET.....Now hair grows back...But it was the fact that I felt the world stood in dissapointment...
As everyone felt comfortable I was a the nights focal point...
Some people in life will always be in the spotlight... And Im definately am one!!! I went home didnt got the dinner. I walked home... As I got home I really just cried and went to sleep....
This was a very vunerable day... Where I realize that I truly am not uninvicible... That I too Have moments where people do get to me... But moments like these is what makes me into a stronger person....