As I though to myself what I should blog about; I thought why not blog about a pandemic sweeping across the social media scene. I call this pandemic FACEBOOK PROSTITUTES!!! Now this may cause a few to chuckle as they read this. Some might just be wondering what am I talking about??
Well let me explain the definition of this new word. A FACEBOOK PROSTITUTE can be a male or a female. Just like a regular Prostitute can be a male or female. A Facebook Prostitute is a person that posses half naked (some fully naked) in front of the camera. Now you may wonder why I call them prostitutes. Ill explain: A prostitute sleeps with its "Client" for money. A Facebook prostitute posses half naked for likes and comments.
As you go through your newsfeed you'll realize that there are alot of insecure youth and adults. They take pictures with the hope to be accepted. Some even try to become sex symbols to have attention. But little do they know they are downgrading themselves. Then we wonder why in society there is no self respect. People pose half naked and sometimes we even like and comment the pictures. I have yet seen a man comment of a womans pictures, "Hey Stop posing like that your giving other men the wrong idea!" Or hear women say to the Men," We aren't interested on your half naked body, what we desire is your Love and respect!"Call me old fashion, but I believe if your willing to downgrade yourself then you have no self-respect. If you dont have no self- respect then you lack love for yourself. And you don't have Love for yourself then you can't be in a relationship, Becuz you first learn how to Love; Loving yourself.
My last remark is this. We talk so bad about prostitutes, but there smarter than we are. They get paid at the end for there services at the end of the day. But you just get a eye full of pleasure and a whole lot of likes on Facebook.
If you enjoyed my Facebook Prostitute Blog watch my video!!!!
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