Monday, November 19, 2012

Are true Friends suppose to be there for you at all times?

We always say a friend is always there through thick and thin. But honestly sometimes a friend has to leave you to let you heal. The reason I say this is, we are human and as a friend we can only say soo much. We get tired of hearing the same played out song from a person who is hurting. I know at least when Im hurting I repeat the same story, over and over again. And as a human we get tired of hearing the same tune. I have a friend who's hurt right now, I would love to comfort her. But the truth is I can't take the pain away she's feeling. Humanly its not possible.
It's like trying to mend two cinder blocks together with your force. Its impossible, then why do we think that our friend's can mend our broken heart? Why do we think that they can change the situation? In all honesty Sometimes we have too big expectations for a person who's like us. We want everyone to be for us, what we physically can't be for them! We expect  the when we write at 2am about how they are going through a tough time; that our friends have to write us.
We are asking for something that honestly isn't even good for us. We become co-dependant of one another. What happens if that friend dies? Or maybe becomes sick? Will we not know how to deal with our issue on our own.
Thats why I believe that when a friend is dealing with a past issue. Like a break up, or heart break. I feel that it's best to let them deal with them on there own. Yes you can be there when they need someone to listen to them about how they feel. Or to hangout cause there lonely.
BUT WARNING: IF you have to drop what your doing to attend them, theres a problem. Your friend should also be understanding that you have a life; And resposiblities and you can attend there every issue. Sometimes there gonna have to fight out there battles on there own.... They'll have to face there demonds on there own sooner of later........

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