Friday, November 16, 2012

Potiential Fans!!

We all have them Haterz I think most of us would call them. People who just dont like anything we do. Some call them doubters, a person who never believes were gonna make it. I mean the list can go on and on. There the people who look at us and say the task we are takign up is too dificult. That person that never can accept that you might just be right, and they are wrong. Haterz....
But I never call them Haterz. I gave them a new name a year ago. I call them POTIENTIAL FANS!!!! Yeah thats right, there not Haterz there just potiential fans.
Heres why, today they say they dont think you'll make it. Or they say your idea is stupid. They talk about how you'll fail to others(free advertisement)! When you succeed there giving you a standing ovation. Lying through there teeth telling you how they believed all along.
Some may be thinking, but Neight it isn't always that way.
What you say is true. Some never even recognize your success publicly..But inside it eats them up. They check your facebook and twitter to see if your still succeeding becoming fantatics!!!!
I remember when I first started my youtube videos. People started with the comments. Saying how they were corney. How I should stop. But one day I did a video that made them laugh and they became supporters. After that I realize that everyone can be your potiential fan. They have potiential of being one;)
My encouragement to you now is, you may feel down cause everyone seems to be against you. But do know thats only temporary. Today they throw stones, tommorow theyll throw flowers....

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